Results for 'Songthip T. Ounpraseuth'

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  1.  5
    Differing needs for Advance Care Planning in the Veterans Health Administration: use of latent class analysis to identify subgroups to enhance Advance Care Planning via Group Visits for veterans.Monica M. Matthieu, Songthip T. Ounpraseuth, J. Silas Williams, Bo Hu, David A. Adkins, Ciara M. Oliver, Laura D. Taylor, Jane Ann McCullough, Mary J. Mallory, Ian D. Smith, Jack H. Suarez & Kimberly K. Garner - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Advance Care Planning via Group Visits (ACP-GV) is a patient-centered intervention facilitated by a clinician using a group modality to promote healthcare decision-making among veterans. Participants in the group document a “Next Step” to use in planning for their future care needs. The next step may include documentation of preferences in an advance directive, discussing plans with family, or anything else to fulfill their ACP needs. This evaluation seeks to determine whether there are identifiable subgroups of group participants with (...)
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  2. On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history.T. Huxley - 1874 - Fortnightly Review 95:555-80.
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    Philosophy of Science and its Discontents.T. A. Ryckman - 1993 - Noûs 27 (2):261-264.
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  4. In the Mental Fiction, Mental Fictionalism is Fictitious.T. Parent - 2013 - The Monist 96 (4):605-621.
    Here I explore the prospects for fictionalism about the mental, modeled after fictionalism about possible worlds. Mental fictionalism holds that the mental states posited by folk psychology do not exist, yet that some sentences of folk psychological discourse are true. This is accomplished by construing truths of folk psychology as “truths according to the mentalistic fiction.” After formulating the view, I identify five ways that the view appears self-refuting. Moreover, I argue that this cannot be fixed by semantic ascent or (...)
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    Aristotle.T. J. Crowley - 2013 - Acumen Publishing.
    This careful and engaging introduction to Aristotle equips readers of ancient philosophy and classics with an intellectual map that will guide their further exploration within the terrains of Aristotelian philosophy and logic. The book does not seek to provide a verdict or to persuade the reader of the usefulness of Aristotle's ideas. Instead it offers a comprehensive introduction to key philosophical areas while situating the reader within the ongoing intellectual debates on Aristotle's significance and relevance. Crowley's book allows an overview (...)
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  6. Authenticity and others: Sartre's ethics of recognition.T. Storm Heter - 2006 - Sartre Studies International 12 (2):17-43.
    This article presents a novel defense of Sartrean ethics based on the concept of interpersonal recognition. The immediate post-war texts Anti-Semite and Jew, What is Literature? and Notebooks for an Ethics express Sartre's inchoate yet ultimately defensible view of obligations to others. Such obligations are not best understood as Kantian duties, but rather as Hegelian obligations of mutual recognition. The emerging portrait of Sartrean ethics offers a strong reply to the classical criticism that authenticity would license vicious lifestyles like serial (...)
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  7. Ontic terms and metaontology, or: on what there actually is.T. Parent - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):199-214.
    Terms such as ‘exist’, ‘actual’, etc., (hereafter, “ontic terms”) are recognized as having uses that are not ontologically committing, in addition to the usual commissive uses. (Consider, e.g., the Platonic and the neutral readings of ‘There is an even prime’.) In this paper, I identify five different noncommissive uses for ontic terms, and (by a kind of via negativa) attempt to define the commissive use, focusing on ‘actual’ as my example. The problem, however, is that the resulting definiens for the (...)
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  8. Norwood Russell Hanson’s account of experience: an untimely defense.T. Raja Rosenhagen - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5179-5204.
    Experience, it is widely agreed, constrains our thinking and is also thoroughly theory-laden. But how can it constrain our thinking while depending on what it purports to constrain? To address this issue, I revisit and carefully analyze the account of observation provided by Norwood Russell Hanson, who introduced the term ‘theory-ladenness of observation’ in the first place. I show that Hanson’s account provides an original and coherent response to the initial question and argue that, if suitably developed, his account provides (...)
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    The Need for Dialogical Encounter: An Account of Christian Parents' Making Decisions on Behalf of Their Severely Handicapped Child.T. M. McConnell & R. A. McConnell - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (3):376-389.
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    Greek Theories of Art and Literature Down to 400 B.C.T. B. L. Webster - 1939 - Classical Quarterly 33 (3-4):166-.
    Greek art and literature follow parallel courses through the long period from Homer to Euripides. Homer and Euripides, Dipylon vases and the latest white lekythoi are as far apart from each other as it is possible for works in the same medium to be. The distance can only be explained by a similar change in the views of artists, writers, and their public.
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    South Italian Vases and Attic Drama.T. B. L. Webster - 1948 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1-2):15-.
    In The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens Dr. Pickard-Cambridge includes a most useful and convenient collection of south Italian vase-paintings which have been held to throw light on the stage-settings of Greek tragedy. He concludes that they give no evidence for Athens in the fifth century and in particular do not justify the assumption that interior scenes were played in a porch in front of the central door. The second conclusion is true, but some of the vases do show that (...)
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  12. Modal Realism and the Meaning of 'Exist'.T. Parent - manuscript
    Here I first raise an argument purporting to show that Lewis’ Modal Realism ends up being entirely trivial. But although I reject this line, the argument reveals how difficult it is to interpret Lewis’ thesis that possibilia “exist.” Five natural interpretations are considered, yet upon reflection, none appear entirely adequate. On the three different “concretist” interpretations of ‘exist’, Modal Realism looks insufficient for genuine ontological commitment. Whereas, on the “multiverse” interpretation, Modal Realism acknowledges physical possibilities only--and worse, (assuming either axiom (...)
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  13. Neo-Sellarsian Metaphilosophy.T. Parent - manuscript
    This draft now appears (in revised form) as the Preamble to _Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind_. See
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  14. On the PROVER9 Ontological Argument.T. Parent - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):475-483.
    Oppenheimer & Zalta have re-formulated their non-modal version of the ontological argument, with the help of PROVER9, an automated reasoning engine. The authors end up rejecting the new argument; however, the theist has a rejoinder worth considering. But after presenting the rejoinder, I highlight that the conceivability of the being does not imply its possibility. One lesson is that even non-modal ontological arguments must engage modal matters concerning God. Another lesson is that if PROVER9 is able to derive a conclusion (...)
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    Personification as a mode of greek thought.T. B. L. Webster - 1954 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 17 (1/2):10-21.
  16. Neven Sesardic, Making Sense of Heritability.T. A. C. Reydon - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (3):218.
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  17. The Argument for Ethical Relativism from the Diversity of Morals.T. L. McClintock - 1963 - The Monist 47 (4):528-544.
    Many people, failing to understand the theories of such ethical relativists as William Graham Sumner, Ruth Benedict and Edward Westermarck, have thought that various findings of the social sciences establish these theories. They regard the problem of ethical relativism, or the problem of determining whether or not any of these theories is sound, as a scientific problem. And they often think of ethical relativism as a scientific theory which explains these findings. In particular, it is widely thought that anthropologists have (...)
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  18. Principles of Oncology Nursing.T. Ades & P. Greene - forthcoming - Holleb Ai, Fink Dj, Murphy Gp, Organizadores. American Cancer Society of Clinical Oncology. Atlanta (Geo): American Cancer Society.
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    Menander's Гεωργóς.T. L. Agae - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (02):141-.
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    Notes on the Birds of Aristophanes.T. L. Agar - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (3-4):155-.
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  21. Intention varhaishistoria.T. Aho - 1989 - Ajatus 46:87-99.
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    Can the absolute threshold be conditioned?T. S. Aiba - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3):233.
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    Aristophanes, Knights, 532, 3.T. W. Allen - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (02):101-102.
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    Mr. Agar's Homerica. Reply.T. W. Allen - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (03):206-.
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    Public health and the legal regulation of medical services in Algeria: Between the public and private sectors.T. Alsamara, G. Farouk & M. Halima - 2022 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 15 (2):60-64.
    The article examines the issue of public health and medical services in Algeria and analyses the role of the public and private sectors in supporting and promoting public health. Our study is based on an analysis of legal texts that highlight Algeria’s health policies. Some significant aspects of the article are: the Algerian policy of opening health services up to private investment; the lack of contribution of private health institutions in the field of medical education; and issues surrounding the organisation (...)
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  26. Identität und Differenz. Eine Begegnung mit Martin Heidegger.T. Barth - 1959 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 22:81-92.
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    O definicji bazy fonematycznej.T. Batóg - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):121-121.
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  28. Anumānacintāmaṇi: anumitiprakaraṇa, byāptipañcaka, siṃhabyāghralakshaṇa, byadhikaraṇa: anubāda o bibr̥ti saha.Biśvabandhu Bhaṭṭācāryya - 1993 - Kalakātā: Yādabapura Biśvabidyālaẏa sahāẏaka Ke. Pi. Bāgacī ayāṇḍa Kompānī. Edited by Gaṅgeśa.
    Commentary, with Bengali translation, of Anumānakhaṇḍa, a portion of Tattvacintamaṇi, basic work on the neo-Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy, by Gaṅgeśa, 13th century.
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  29. Advaitacintāẏa Ācārya Maṇḍana.Ramāprasāda Bhaṭṭācārya - 1975
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  30. Jagat̲ o āmi.Pañcānana Bhaṭṭācāryya - 1992 - Kalikātā: Maheśa Lāibrerī Prakāśana Saṃsthā.
    On the Hindu philosophical tradition in the light of Yoga and Hindu rituals.
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  31. Nyāyamañjarī: sampādakagrathitanyāyasaurabhākhyaṭippaṇīsamanvitā.Jayanta Bhaṭṭa - 1969 - Maisūr: Prācyavidyāsaṃśodhanālayaḥ, Maisūruviśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Ke Es Varādācarya.
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  32. (2 other versions)Nyāyamañjarī.Jayanta Bhaṭṭa - 1936 - Edited by Śukla, Sūryanārāyaṇa, [From Old Catalog] & Gautama.
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  33. Prameyaratnārṇava.Bālakr̥ṣṇa Bhaṭṭa - 1971 - Vārāṇasī,: [pramukha vitaraka Bhāratīya Vidyā Prakāśana. Edited by Kedāranātha Miśra.
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    Transfer of fatigue and identical elements.T. Bills & W. McTeer - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (1):23.
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    Incubation and the relevance of functional CS exposure.T. D. Borkovec - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):168-168.
  36. Phyl. of Science 62, 197 (1995).T. Breuer - 1996 - Synthese 107 (1).
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  37. Johnson, Egypt and the Roman Empire.T. S. Brown - 1952 - Classical Weekly 46:73.
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  38. Launey, Recherches sur les armées hellénistiques.T. S. Brown - 1951 - Classical Weekly 45:169.
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  39. Christologia: Theologicorum Liber XVIII.T. CAMPANELLA - 1958
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  40. Bhāratīẏa darśanaprasthāne Baishṇaba-sādhanāra dhārā.Sudhīra Rañjana Caṭṭopādhyāẏa - 1982 - [Burdwan]: Bardhamāna Biśvabidyālaẏa.
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    “I Swear”. A Précis of Hippocrates’ Oath and Asclepius’ Snake: The Birth of the Medical Profession.T. A. Cavanaugh - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):897-903.
    This is a condensed description of the contents and overarching argument found in Hippocrates’ Oath and Asclepius’ Snake: The Birth of the Medical Profession. In that work, I maintain that the basic medical ethical problem concerns iatrogenic harm. I focus particularly on what I refer to as ‘role-conflation’. This most egregious form of iatrogenic harm occurs when a physician deliberately adopts the role of wounder. A contemporary practice such as physician-assisted suicide exemplifies a doctor’s deliberate wounding. I argue that the (...)
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    Dominion.T. D. J. Chappell - 2003 - Ratio 16 (3):307–317.
    I distinguish two claims about human ‘dominion’ over nature: (1) Humans have the right to supervise, manage, and direct the rest of nature; (2) Humans have a special value, superior to the rest of nature. I discuss some ways of rejecting either or both claims, and point to some surprising consequences of such rejections. Then I compare the ways in which Aristotelianism and sentientism might try to keep hold of both claims. This produces two surprising and unwelcome results for sentientism, (...)
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  43. Data Driven Methods for Granger Causality and Contemporaneous Causality with Non-Linear Corrections: Climate Teleconnection Mechanisms.T. Chu & D. Danks - unknown
    We describe a unification of old and recent ideas for formulating graphical models to explain time series data, including Granger causality, semi-automated search procedures for graphical causal models, modeling of contemporaneous influences in times series, and heuristic generalized additive model corrections to linear models. We illustrate the procedures by finding a structure of exogenous variables and mediating variables among time series of remote geospatial indices of ocean surface temperatures and pressures. The analysis agrees with known exogenous drivers of the indices, (...)
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  44. Identifying with metaphor (vol 57, pg 399, 1999).T. Cohen - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (3):303-303.
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    Repetitive pattern in whole and part learning the spider maze.T. W. Cook - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (5):530.
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    All sex differences in cognitive ability may be explained by an X-Y homologous gene determining degrees of cerebral asymmetry.T. J. Crow - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):249-250.
    Male superiority in mathematical ability (along with female superiority in verbal fluency) may reflect the operation of an X-Y homologous gene (the right-shift-factor) influencing the relative rates of development of the cerebral hemispheres. Alleles at the locus on the Y chromosome will be selected at a later mean age than alleles on the X, and only by females.
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  47. Second-order Models of Students' Mathematics: Delving into Possibilities.T. Dooley - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):346-348.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructivist Model Building: Empirical Examples From Mathematics Education” by Catherine Ulrich, Erik S. Tillema, Amy J. Hackenberg & Anderson Norton. Upshot: I look at the different possibilities offered by the trajectory of second-order models in mathematics education. It seems to me that although possibilities are extended as models become more elaborate, this is only the case if teacher/researchers remain cognisant of a radical constructivist perspective. I also suggest that broad-ranging research on the models affords (...)
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    Erotiese oordrag en teenoordrag as psigologiese fenomeen in ’n pastorale relasie.T. F. Dreyer & T. F. J. Dreyer - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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    Homiletiese releksie - 1 Korintiërs 15:1-20.T. F. J. Dreyer - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    Implikasies van die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie vir In prakties-teologiese perspektief op die ekklesiologie.T. F. J. Dreyer - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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